Beuil Seniors Club

The Club is a member of the Association GMOUV 06 of Rural Seniors in the Alpes Maritimes.

The Association boasts about 80 members

Aims of the Association :

– create, stimulate and develop encounters and friendly relations between its members.
– help solve its members’ difficulties by informing, advising and supporting them.
– organize trips and various activities and events in its members’ interest.
– participate in the Department’s action in favour of Rural Seniors Clubs
– represent its members whenever collective action has to be locally implemented and speak in their name to local authorities and other associations.
– stimulate, inform and form its members.
– participate in all surveys concerning the needs of rural seniors
– propose, encourage and locally organize all kinds of initiatives aiming at breaking seniors’ solitude.
– organize and coordinate all kinds of leisure activities to strengthen links between members: art, theatre, singing, open air activities, walks, hiking, yoga…

Members of the Board

o Sylviane BEAUSSY Présidente
o Louis NOBLES Vice-Président
o Gilles MANNARINI Secrétaire
o Isabelle LOPEZ Trésorière
o Nicole MOREL Membre actifSimone ROBION Membre actif
o Annie MAGRO Membre actif


Main activities:

– Every friday from 2 to 5.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Workshops are open to all members: creative activities, craft workshop, drawing, photography, word processing, cooking,…
– Workshops are free, the Town Hall allowing us to use the hall free of charge. A small contribution is required to buy equipment, depending on the activity chosen.
– Various afternoon recreations: “Galette des Rois” ( “Epiphany cakes” ), pancakes, traditional meal, Christmas high tea, bingo,….
– General Assembly meal
– Day trips
– Inter-club meetings
– Longer trips


26 rue du Comté de Beuil
06470 Beuil

Sylviane BEAUSSY

315 route de la Couillole 06470 Beuil
Tél : 06 64 84 82 13
Courriel :


Aims of the Association :

This association aims to organize any party and entertainment in the town of Beuil.

Members of the Board

Margaux BAUDIN Présidente

Jean BAILET Secrétaire


26 rue du Comté de Beuil
06470 Beuil